Returning Catholics
Welcome to St Mary and St Joseph Parish!
Are you or someone you know Catholic, but have drifted away from the Faith? Maybe you’ve stopped attending Mass on most Sundays. Perhaps you felt hurt or ignored by the Church at some time in the past. Or maybe you believe some event in your past means you aren’t wanted by the Church anymore.
First and foremost, know that God loves you, no matter what. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to save all of us, including those who struggle with their faith. God misses your presence in worship. Maybe His Holy Spirit is at work right now, inviting you to consider coming back.
The St Mary and St Joseph community misses you as well. We are all members of Christ’s family, and our family is not complete without you. So if you’re considering returning to your Catholic faith and rejoining the community of worship, we’d like to help. Even if you aren’t ready but want to ask questions, we want to help you find answers.
There are a number of resources that we can offer you as you’re bound to have plenty of questions that need answering and issues that you need to resolve in your mind. Please have a look at some and, remember, you will be most welcome if you decide to return. Do get in touch!